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Information Security Open to All Specialists

Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev took part in Children's Digital Safety Day, held on February 28 at the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia".

During the session on digital security and the development of digital competencies of young people, organized by the Center for Global IT Cooperation, participants discussed the principles of online security and methods of protecting information. They paid special attention to the threats posed by the rapid development of artificial intelligence, including the creation of fraudulent audio and video deepfakes, and discussed methods to combat them.

The speakers of the discussion were the Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev, the Head of the Awareness Department of the Information Security Department of the Moscow Department of Information Technologies Valery Komarov, the Director of the Growth Direction of the Icontext agency Ilya Strokach, the Deputy Director of the Center for Global IT-Cooperation Vasily Zudin and Youth Digital Ombudsman Dmitry Gulyaev.

Andrey Vorobyev spoke about the Coordination Center’s projects and services aimed at protecting the domain space and combating cyber fraud. In particular, he noted the work of the Domain Patrol to identify and block malicious domains, as well as the capabilities of the Whois+ service to check the domains of online stores and prevent Internet fraud.

The activity of fraudsters has increased significantly in recent years, especially with regard to the creation of phishing websites - over the last year alone, more than 48,000 complaints about such resources have been identified,” Andrey Vorobyev said.

He drew attention to the event-based nature of the sharp increase in domain registrations for the purpose of illegal actions: every event that worries the population, criminals try to use it to deceive citizens. Over the past year, the registration of domain names in the Russian national domains .RU and .РФ has increased - Russian Internet users have become more attentive to the addresses to which they go, and are no longer so easily caught by phishing sites on dubious domains. Andrey advised young people to always carefully check website pages so as not to fall for the bait of attackers.

Valery Komarov spoke about choosing the field of information security (IS) as a career path. He noted that every day every person contributes to the information security of the city and the country, simply by using government services, which helps to improve them. In his opinion, for the information security field it is not necessary to be a programmer - the psychological type is more important for the job than the specialty, so he urged young people not to be afraid to go into this field and to be confident in building a successful career.

Ilya Strokach spoke from his own experience about the rules of communication in the digital space. He urged everyone to monitor their digital footprints and always think before publishing something on social networks, since everything on the Internet is stored for a long time and can play a cruel joke on the author in the future. However, he also added that there is no shame in making mistakes, including on the Internet. The main thing is to learn to recognize them.

Youth digital ombudsman Dmitry Gulyaev explained how to counter manipulative techniques and tactics on the Internet. The most important thing is to understand the myth that is used by attackers to reveal their goal and the essence of the crime itself. He also recalled that in case of violation of their rights on the Internet - from cyberbullying to fraud - young people can always turn to the Youth Digital Ombudsman Institute for help, including through a special project - “Digital Assistance”.

Summing up the discussion, Vasily Zudin spoke about the upcoming IV Youth Digital Forum, which will be held on April 5 at Cyberdom and is part of the Russian Internet Governance Forum. “Information security this year will be a red thread running through all the thematic areas of the Forum, so we invite everyone to take part in the event to become part of a large-scale discussion about the future of technology,” he said.

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