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Coordination Center Experts Addressed XII “Dialogue-online”

On February 20, the XII interregional scientific and practical conference “Dialogue-online” was held at the Vladimir Institute for Educational Development in the hall of the Quantorium-33 technology park.

The Conference was organized by the Vladimir Institute for Educational Development named after L.I. Novikova and the Vladimir Regional Library for Children and Youth with the support of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy and the Ministry of Culture of the Vladimir Region. The participants of the Conference were teachers of educational organizations in the region, librarians, students of schools and secondary vocational education organizations. In addition, anyone could join the online broadcast of the performances.

Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Vladimir Region Victoria Vlasenko and Director of the Vladimir Regional Library for Children and Youth Tatyana Sdobnikova addressed the Conference participants with a welcoming speech.

During the plenary session, the Chairman of the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Andrey Aleinikov, told the conference participants about the Centers projects for youth and invited them to submit applications to the Summer School on Internet Governance and a Special Course for the Youth on the eve of the 14th Russian Internet Governance Forum ( RIGF 2024).

The plenary session was also attended by Pavel Chernyaev, lecturer of the Russian Society "Znanie", Alexandra Balabaeva, inspector of the control and investigation department of the Vladimir Investigation Department, Olga Dodueva, associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Education at the Vladimir Institute for Education Development named after L.I. Novikova, and Lev Krutov, expert of the Safe Internet League.

After lunch, there were two sections: one for students in schools and colleges, and the second for librarians and teaching staff. As part of the section “Modern Digital Risks and Ways to Combat Them,” the Head of special projects of the Coordination Center, Alexander Drozdov, held a quiz “Study the Internet - Govern it!”, in which students from schools and colleges in Vladimir and the Vladimir Region took part.

The Conference took place within the framework of the state program “Implementation of State Youth Policy, Patriotic Education, Support for Youth and Children's Public Associations in the Vladimir Region.”

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