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APTLD85 Got off the Ground

On February 20, the 85th Conference of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD85) Got off the Ground in Candolim (Goa, India), with more than 100 representatives of national registries attending. During the meeting, experts from the region discuss the technical, legal and marketing aspects of country domains and the role they play in the digital transformation of society, as well as share experience and best practices. Experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ will also address the meeting.

The conference was opened by APTLD General Manager Leonid Todorov. He noted that the Conference had not been in India for a very long time - the last time the event was held in this country was in 2012. “We found ourselves in an amazing atmosphere, the host is the personification of a new dynamic nation that is building a new digital reality right before our eyes. And we are looking forward to the opportunity to join this process,” Leonid Todorov said.

Speaking at the opening, representatives of the Ministry of Electronics and IT Technology of India and the national registry NIXI noted the importance and relevance of such topics as solving the problem of universal acceptance of non-Latin domains and email addresses, combating the unlawful use of domain names, ensuring information security and preparing for the start of the second round of the program New gTLD.

Alejandra Reynoso, Chair of the Council of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO), spoke about the policies the organization has developed and will be presenting to the Internet community at the ICANN meeting in Puerto Rico.

Samiran Gupta, Vice President of ICANN, and Mikhail Anisimov, representative of the corporation in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, spoke about current ICANN projects. In particular, they noted the launch of the RDRS program, a system for filing applications for the disclosure of non-public registration data. As ICANN representatives noted, this system allows us to provide a single standardized format for messaging and make this work more transparent. Also noted was a new grant program to support projects working with the Internet addressing system, and the upcoming new round of the New gTLD program, for which a set of recommendations is currently being developed. In addition to ongoing projects and upcoming events, ICANN representatives also noted work on ongoing Internet governance initiatives such as the Global Digital Compact and the WSIS +20 process.

The global initiative World Day of Universal Acceptance, which this year will be held simultaneously in 56 countries was mentioned separately. The central event will take place on March 28 in Belgrade, and experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Regional Coordination Group for Universal Acceptance of the CIS and Eastern Europe countries will take an active part in it.

The conference is still on – follow us!

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