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Submission of Applications for Participation in RIGF 2024 Youth Special Course Now Open

For the fourth time, a Special Course for the Youth will be held on the eve of the Russian Internet Governance Forum. Undergraduate applicants, students, graduate students and recent graduates of universities who are interested in topics of management, development, use of the Internet and digital technologies are invited to participate.

As part of the course, participants will receive detailed information on the topics of the sections of RIGF 2024, discuss with experts the main issues of the program and formulate theses reflecting the youth view on the current agenda. Among the discussion topics are:

  • Global Digital Cooperation
  • Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies
  • Cybersecurity Issues
  • Data Management and Trust
  • Digital Inequality
  • Ecology and Sustainable Development

The Course includes six webinars (16, 23 and 30 March) and two interactive seminars (4 and 6 April). The results of the work will be presented on April 10 - at one of the key sections of RIGF 2024.

In addition to educational content, participants in the special course will gain skills in conducting discussions and asking the right and pressing questions, and will master tools for creative online group work.

Participation is free. However, the number of places is limited. You must apply for the special course before March 12 by filling out a form that contains, among other things, motivational questions. They will help applicants dive into the basics of Internet Governance and understand the general context of discussions at the Russian Internet Governance Forum, and help organizers make a decision about enrolling in the course.

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