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First School of Mentors “Explore the Internet” Alumni Presented Lessons Live

On February 1, the fourth webinar of the Coordination Center.RU/.РФ - “School of Mentors “Explore the Internet”, or Learning Lessons Live” - took place on the VK platform of the “Safe Information Environment for Children” project.

The participants of the meeting were graduates of the first School of Mentors “Explore the Internet” - a program of additional education for specialists working with children and youth. Let us remind you that the final task of the School was to create a technological map and a script for an IT lesson using the tools and media materials of the “Study the Internet & Govern It”, in particular, the Dictionary, the online “Knowledge” simulator, the Training mobile application, Quiz and infographics. Some of these lessons were demonstrated live.

Thus, teachers of one of the oldest kindergartens in the city of Tomsk No. 53, Elena Imameeva and Margarita Ovsyannikova, chose the topic of phishing for their seminar (presentation time code - 26:25 min). As part of the lesson, they invite students to get acquainted with the definition of this “malicious” Internet phenomenon, learn about its varieties, and also learn how to avoid unpleasant consequences when faced with various cases of Internet fraud.

Mathematics and computer science teacher Anatoly Kirsanov from the Novomikhailovskaya secondary school (Novosibirsk region) created the game “What? Where? When?". By participating in it, students will learn about the rules of safe behavior online (presentation time code – 43:00 min).

A lesson for high school students, developed by Alexey Yanin, a computer science teacher at the School at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria, is also dedicated to digital literacy. The training takes place in the form of a quiz with programming elements (presentation time code – 54:00 min).

The lessons presented during the webinar, as well as several dozen more works created by the mentors of the Explore the Internet School, will be included in the Methodological Manual, recommended for use in preparing lessons, additional classes, lectures and master classes. Elena Lyamtseva, Head of educational projects of the expert council “Safe Information Environment of Childhood,” spoke about the structure of the manual. The first part is a collection of regulatory documents related to the process of education and socialization of students in the digital environment. The second contains a detailed description of the “Study the Internet & Govern It” project, in other words, its media sections and online simulators. The third part of the manual presents the best lessons about the structure of digital technologies, which use the digital tools of the Explore the Internet project.

By the way, a separate block of the webinar was devoted to the new products of the project. Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said that the “Study the Internet & Govern It” project entered 2024 with two new educational games on the topics “Cryptography” and “Computer Design”, from the 13th a round of questions in the main Quiz section, which can be used as a tool for blitz testing at offline events and lessons, as well as a dozen tests in the App, where you can self-test in a convenient mobile form.

Olga also told what awaits the students of the second School of Mentors “Explore the Internet” admission which starts on February 20. Thus, the format of training will change: lectures of the main program will be held in the form of an intensive course in just a week, the remaining time (about 4 weeks) will be spent on independent work and preparation of the certification task. The task itself is also being transformed: this time it will be more project-based in nature, mentors will need to organize a family team to participate in an IT marathon on digital literacy and perform creative work as a captain, as well as take part in an online tournament on the topic “Internet Culture”. The result of the project will be a report in a convenient form, which describes in detail the process of creating a team and participating in the IT marathon. Another important addition is that the School’s program included lectures on modern IT technologies (AI, Internet of things and blockchain), as well as a practical lesson on the topic of digital hygiene.

At the end of the webinar, Ilona Yuryeva presented a new project of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development “Methodological Thursday” - an open online platform for specialists from the educational sector, where they can present their own methodological developments, journalistic materials, research, projects, competitions on the topic of information security, and also look for partners to implement similar initiatives (speech time code – 01:15:00 min).

Safe Information Environment for Childhood is a comprehensive project of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development for parents, teachers and young professionals working with children and youth, participating in the process of digitalization of education, examination of children's information products and increasing the overall level of digital literacy of the younger generation.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has planned a series of discussions on the Safe Information Environment for Childhood VK platform on issues and problems that in one way or another relate to the Center’s industry and social projects.

Recordings of all webinars of the Coordination Center from the series “Safe Information Environment for Children” are available in the official VK community.

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