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RIGF 2024 Topics Collection Completed

The collection of topics for discussion at RIGF 2024 has been completed. Interested users sent ideas for the program of the 14th Russian Internet Governance Forum from December 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024; in total, about 20 proposals were sent.

Most of the proposals in one way or another related to the topic of artificial intelligence: participants propose to discuss the directions of development of AI technologies, including generative models, possible approaches to their regulation at the national and international levels, as well as Russia’s interests in this area.

Interest has been shown in the field of "Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Online Security," and suggestions on this subject also touch on artificial intelligence. Here, participants are invited to talk about protecting privacy and personal data in an environment where OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) technologies provide limitless opportunities for collecting and analyzing information, propose data protection strategies, and discuss the moral and ethical issues of collecting and using open source data.

Considering the relevance of the topic of artificial intelligence in modern conditions, the RIGF 2024 program committee plans to present this topic in almost all sections of the forum. The final program will be drawn up after processing all submitted proposals and taking into account global trends and topics proposed for discussion at WSIS+20 in May 2024.

Let us recall you that the 14th Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2024), organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, is going to be held on April 9-10, 2024 in a hybrid format.

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