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Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Experts Participate in APTLD85

On February 19-21, Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association will hold the APTLD 85. The Conference will be held in a hybrid format, the venue will be Goa (India).

Representatives of national registries of the region will talk about the technical, legal and marketing aspects of the work of national domain zones, discuss the role that national domains play in the digital transformation of society, and also share experience and best practices in the field of domain development.

The conference program is being formed, but it is already known that experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ will take part in the Conference. On February 20, Vadim Mikhailov, consultant for Infrastructure of the Coordination Center, will speak at the Self Certification of EAI section, where he will present the checkout system for the readiness of the mail service to work with Cyrillic email addresses, created as part of the Поддерживаю.РФ. Specialists of the Center also plan to share their experience in implementing and using the WHOIS and RDAP protocols in national domains .RU/.РФ.

Let us recall that the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD) unites more than 50 national registries in the region, including the registries of the largest national top-level domains: Russia, China, India and other countries. APTLD was created in 1998 and is one of four regional country code top-level domain registry organizations. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has been participating in the work of APTLD since 2010.

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