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“Study the Internet”: New Products for 2024

Traditionally, at the beginning of the year, we announce updates to the educational project of the Coordination Center “Study the Internet & Govern It!” The project will help improve digital literacy, learn the structure of digital technologies, learn how to surf the Internet safely, and also better navigate cultural and career trends in the IT field.

Thus, the main section of the Quiz, which can be used as a tool for blitz testing at offline events and lessons dedicated to studying the structure of digital technologies, has been supplemented with the 13th round. Another 10 tests have been added to the App, designed for self-testing in a convenient mobile form.

The online simulator “Knowledge” has also been updated: the line of game educational modules has been supplemented with two new ones - “Cryptography” and “How a Computer Works”. These are 9 games, each consisting of two parts: at the first stage, participants delve into the theory, and at the second, they consolidate their acquired knowledge with the help of tests, crosswords, puzzles, fillwords, comparisons, constructors, and decoding tasks.

So, after studying the rules for the safe use of a bank card, the player is invited to design his own card, placing all the necessary elements on it. Another game in the “Cryptography” module immerses participants in the history of ciphers: players will learn how “gibberish writing”, Morse code, Caesar and Mary Stuart ciphers work, and then try to independently encrypt or, conversely, decode the original phrases. By solving a crossword puzzle in the module “How a computer works,” the participant will understand the variety of input/output devices; Another section of the module is devoted to software - the game “Lie or Truth” will help you learn the material.

The questions of the new round and series of tests are related to the services of the digital state, cyber currency and blockchain technology, methods of working with big data, cyber culture, as well as security in the online environment - in particular, computer viruses.

The games in the “Knowledge”, the Quiz and the Application are available to absolutely all users - to complete the tasks, just log in or register on the website of the “Study the Internet & Govern It!”.

And one more update - new creative works have been published in the “Medical Center” section with presentations from project participants. These are the 20 best presentations and longreads, in which the guys - participants of the last XII All-Russian online championship “Study the Internet & Govern It!” - talk about the Teacher of the future, his main skills, the ability to introduce digital tools into the educational process and grow professionally.

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