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Interdisciplinary Approach Required When Training Cadre

On December 18-19, the international conference “Cyberstability: Approaches, Prospects, Challenges”, organized by the International Affairs magazine of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Association for International Information Security, was held in Moscow. Representatives of government organizations, science and business, including the director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev and the advisor to the Director of the Center Vladimir Gorzhaltsan, took part in the conference.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Security Council of the Russian Federation addressed the participants of the event with welcoming speeches. The plenary session of the conference, moderated by the editor-in-chief of the International Affairs magazine of the Russian Foreign Ministry Armen Oganesyan and the president of the National Association for International Information Security (NAIIS) Boris Miroshnikov, was dedicated to ensuring the digital sustainability of the state and business.

Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on international cooperation in the field of information security, Director of the Department of International Information Security of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Artu Lyukmanov summed up the results of the outgoing year 2023 in the field of information security. He, in particular, noted that some states of the “collective West” share Russia’s approaches to information security and see the need to develop legally binding mechanisms in the field of ICT that would help us solve the problem of non-compliance with the guiding principle of the UN Charter - the principle of sovereign equality of states.

Timur Aitov, Chairman of the Commission on Financial Security of the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, noted that the domestic infrastructure passed the sustainability test at the beginning of 2022, but nevertheless it is necessary to further develop the general concept of digital development. In this regard, the speaker proposed creating a Digital State Planning Committee, taking as a basis the ideas of academician Viktor Glushkov. According to a representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gosplan 2.0 may be responsible for developing goals and projects for the development of the country’s digital infrastructure, and attract numerous experts to its staff.

Representative of the Ministry of Digital Development Natalia Babekina said that today it is necessary to build a public-private partnership within the framework of a single concept and the same terms. The speaker emphasized that the country is currently pursuing import substitution and technological sovereignty. We need more secure products, not more protection, so the secure by design and secure by default approaches have been taken as the basis for developing new solutions. It also introduces three basic principles of product safety: organizational responsibility for results, transparency and accountability, building an organizational structure and assigning leadership to achieve these goals. She also focused on the personnel issue, noting that she, as a teacher at MTUCI, observes difficulties in finding employment for young specialists for whom there are either no vacancies, or employers are not satisfied with their qualifications. In this regard, the speaker proposed to approach this issue systematically and determine what specialists the economy needs and what educational standards should be in place.

As Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center, noted, the advent of the Internet has had and continues to have a tremendous impact on all areas of relations traditionally subject to legal regulation. “And in order for the regulation of public relations when using ICT to be effective, an interdisciplinary approach is needed in the training of young cadre. Exploring and defining boundaries between different scientific fields will be a key trend in the coming years. And holding such conferences should facilitate professional discussions aimed at finding optimal solutions,” he said.

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