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“Study the Internet” Became Runet Prize Winner

At the Runet Prize 2023, a special prize in the nomination “For contribution to the development of national domains .RU/.РФ” was awarded to the project “Study the Internet - Govern it”.

Created by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of Rostelecom in 2012 as a chamber educational project in the field of digital technologies for students, today “Study the Internet” is a full-fledged ecosystem that unites a variety of educational technologies (games, quizzes, online tournaments, training application, IT dictionary) and subprojects aimed not only at children, but also at their parents, youth, teachers and users with disabilities.

Thus, in 2022, several educational modules for visually challenged Internet users appeared on the project portal: they are designed according to modern standards and are compatible with screen access programs that translate the text presented on a web page into speech.

And in 2023, the School of Mentors “Study the Internet” was launched on the basis of the project. This is a continuing education program for professionals working with children and youth. In addition to increasing the level of knowledge about the history, management and infrastructure of the Internet, the School aims to teach educators, teachers and teachers to integrate electronic tools into the educational process, correctly apply legal norms and the mentoring system in professional practice, competently teach digital literacy and digital hygiene, and, finally, open access to a community of experts in the digitalization of education.

“For more than 10 years, our project has been increasing the digital literacy of Runet users, thereby developing the national segment of the network. With the help of our online simulators, the School of Mentors and Safe Internet Lessons, you can learn the structure of digital technologies, become an experienced user, learn how to surf the Internet safely, and also gain the necessary skills to work in the field of information technology and related industries,” Olga Yakovleva, Head of Project Department of the Coordination Center for .RU/.РФ said. “We invite not only beginner users, but also students and teachers to participate in “Study the Internet,” and we hope that together we will raise the level of digital culture and reduce the digital gap in our country!”

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