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Coordination Center Set Two Tasks for School of Real Projects Participants

On December 15, the 12th annual applied research competition for students “School of Real Projects” started. The new season traditionally opened with a case fair hosted by the Higher School of Economics (HSE). The event brought together students from educational organizations in Moscow and representatives of more than 40 partner companies, including the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, which participated on behalf of the interactive educational project “Study the Internet & Govern It!”

In total, about 3,000 students of schools, colleges and universities from 22 regions of Russia took part in the 12th School.

Companies presented 70 case proposals at the fair, most of which were related to solving engineering problems and developing projects in the field of digital and media technologies. However, among them there are also cases of a more humanitarian nature, close to ecology, social assistance, design, music, psychology, etc.

The Coordination Center again acted as an employer at the School of Real Projects and this time offered its participants two cases. The first one proposes to prepare a script for an educational module in which game mechanics will be used for the project “Study the Internet & Govern It!” The second case involves creating an IT lesson based on online simulators and other digital tools of the “Study the Internet” project.

“The first task – preparing a script – is already familiar to regular participants of the School of Real Projects. Together with them, we created a single educational module for the online simulator “Knowledge”, all of them help to understand the world of digital technologies with the help of games and other interactive mechanics,” Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said. – “The second case is new and, at first glance, seems difficult: in order to create a lesson based on the “Study the Internet” project, the children will have to study the main simulators of the project and practice them themselves, and then create a technological map of the lesson according to the template we proposed. This is real methodical work! We hope that students, paired with mentors, will develop interesting IT lessons, which, quite possibly, will appear in the educational programs of schools and universities in the future.”

One of the “Study the Internet” simulators, which participants of the School of Real Projects will have to use in projects based on the cases of the Coordination Center, was also presented at the Fair - this is “Quiz”. Visitors to the event could answer questions about the history and infrastructure of the Internet, cybersecurity and network culture, Runet and multilingual domains, robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things and other IT phenomena, joining teams or independently. All quiz participants received memorable souvenirs.

It should be noted that students are given four months to implement the selected tasks. Next will be the qualifying round. The teams that pass it will take part in the final project reporting conference in April, where the names of the winners will be announced.

For questions regarding participation in the School of Real Projects, you can contact the organizing committee at

The organizers of the competition are SBGEI “School No. 2086”, Department of Education and Science of the City of Moscow, Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow, Faculty of Economics of Moscow Lomonosov State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics. General partners - High-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A.A. Bochvara and the Volnoe Delo Social Innovation Support Fund.

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