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The Results of the Competition “Proud of Our People: His Name is Hero!”

At the VDNKh House of Culture, as part of the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia, the results and winners of the All-Russian competition for patriotic education of children and the youth “Proud of Our People: His Name is Hero!” were summarized on the eve of Constitution Day, which is celebrated in Russia on December 12. Organizer of the competition: Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Academy of Innovative Education and Development", partners - All-Russian public and state organization "Union of Women of Russia", Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and other organizations.

Participants of the competition from different regions of Russia spoke in their works about worthy representatives of their region, city, and village. Although the competition was held for the first time, more than 500 works were submitted, and the jury had to work hard to select the best. The laureates received diplomas, prizes and gifts, in addition, all competition participants will receive a certificate of participation by email.

The works of participants in the All-Russian competition for patriotic education of children and youth “Proud of Our People: His Name is Hero!”, dedicated to the heroes of the big and small homeland, will be placed on the map of Russia by region, which will allow children, parents and teachers to see the names and stories of their great compatriots in every city or village.

“A lot of works were submitted to the competition, made in a variety of genres - photographs, infographics, interviews with heroes, posters, essays about heroes unknown to the country, and even stickers. It was difficult for the jury to choose the best - in my opinion, all participants were worthy of becoming laureates of the competition. The competition will continue next year - a decision has been made to hold it on an annual basis. And I am sure that the geography of the competition participants will expand, and we will learn many names of our fellow citizens, who can rightfully be called heroes,” said Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

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