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Collection of RIGF 2024 Topics Begins

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ announces that the XIV Russian Internet Governance Forum RIGF 2024 is going to be held on April 9-10, 2024 in a hybrid format. The company also invites the Internet community to propose their ideas for the forum agenda.

Preparation of the forum program has already begun, and you can propose topics for discussion at the sections of RIGF 2024. To do so, you need to fill out a short form on the forum website. The final program will be compiled after processing the proposed topics and taking into account global trends announced at the IGF, which was held in October in Kyoto (Japan). In addition, the focus of RIGF 2024 is preparations for the WSIS+20 meeting, which will take place in May 2024.

The main directions of RIGF 2024 have already been determined:

  • Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies
  • Preventing Internet Fragmentation
  • Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Online Safety
  • Data Governance and Trust
  • Digital Divide and Inclusion
  • Global Digital Governance and Cooperation
  • Human Rights and Freedoms
  • Sustainability and Environment

The online community can bring relevant content to these topics, and the forum's program committee hopes for active community participation in fleshing out the issues for discussion at the sessions. You can submit your proposals via the form on the RIGF 2024 website until January 20, 2024.

The RIGF 2024 Program Committee will try to take into account as much as possible all the ideas put forward when forming the final agenda.

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