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Cases of domain name misuse should be investigated by law enforcement agencies

Experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.RF attended the 14th Russian Forum, Combating Fraud in High Technologies (AntiFraud Russia2023). This forum is traditionally a platform where representatives of legislative authorities, related departments and regulators, as well as leaders of the cybersecurity and telecom market, review the year in the fight against fraud, draw attention to important trends and share their plans.

Topics for discussion included new legislative acts, combating fraud in cellular networks, fraud in the credit and financial sector, retail, e-commerce, social engineering and more. Particular attention was paid to the joint work of all market participants.

During the panel discussion, “Legal regulation in anti-fraud,” moderated by Artyom Kalashnikov (Gazprombank), representatives of regulators, law enforcement agencies and banks discussed the increase in and complexity of various types of fraud, as well as the necessary legal changes to combat them.

The participants noted that minors are increasingly involved in criminal activity, and this requires changes to procedural actions. Also, Roskomnadzor announced a unified Antifraud system for data exchange between telecom operators, banks and other companies and organizations.
Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, spoke about the institute of competent organizations created by the Coordination Center and its work related to combating the misuse of domain names. He noted that the Domain Patrol project makes it possible to quickly resolve the problem of combating illegal content and significantly reduces the time from identifying a domain name system used for illegal purposes to suspending or terminating the delegation of such a domain name. A serious drawback to the existing system is that not all competent organizations currently release data on the incidents detected to law enforcement agencies. Information should ideally be forwarded automatically.

Andrey Vorobyev noted that Russian domain name registrars, together with the competent organizations, are at the forefront of the fight against phishing, and invited all interested parties to a meeting of participants in the Coordination Center’s Netoscope security project, which will take place on January 17.

Sergei Gamko (Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus) stressed the importance of interaction between competent organizations and law enforcement agencies. “It is necessary that all cases of domain name misuse be investigated,” he emphasized, and he also spoke about how the Republic of Belarus fights internet fraud.

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