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Biometrics: Security or Threat?

The latest broadcast of the meeting of the discussion club “Digital Reality” took place on December 23. This time the topic for discussion was biometrics. One of the main problems here is the protection of personal data and the prevention of abuse of its use. There may also be problems with identification accuracy, especially when using facial recognition technologies. Additionally, many people fear losing control of their data.

The participants of the meeting spoke about all this topics together with the moderator of the meeting, Mikhail Anisimov (ICANN). The meeting was attended by Karen Kazaryan, Director of Analytics at ANO Digital Economy, Dmitry Sobolev, Director of the Department for Interaction with Government Bodies of the Center for Biometric Technologies JSC, and Anastasia Verbitskaya, Head of the OVISION project office.

Biometrics is penetrating more and more deeply into everyday life. Identification of a person by fingerprint or facial scan no longer surprises anyone, and talk about biometric data does not sound like something futuristic. The broadcast participants discussed:

  • Who collects our fingerprints and why;
  • Where and how biometric data is stored;
  • Is it safe to pay with a smile in shops or the underground;
  • How the collection and processing of biometric data is regulated in Russia and abroad;
  • And what is biometrics anyway?

The meeting participants noted that biometrics today is free-will, and in Russia both the submission of biometrics and its use are voluntary. But at the same time, the global trend is that biometrics will increasingly enter our lives and will be able to replace most other methods of identification. Biometrics are convenient and make life easier, which is why, according to the broadcast participants, in the future biometrics will become increasingly widespread, and many traditional methods of identification will become unnecessary.

The full recording of the broadcast is available on the YouTube channel of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

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