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Education at the First School of Mentors “Study the Internet” Started

Lessons of the first School of Mentors “Study the Internet,” organized jointly by the Coordination Center for the TLD .RU/.РФ and the Academy of Innovative Education and Development on the basis of the interactive educational project “Study the Internet & Govern It!” began on November 8.

This is an additional education program for professionals working with children and youth. Studying at the School will help you gain knowledge about the history, infrastructure and processes of Internet Governance, improve your skills in teaching digital literacy, gain skills in integrating digital tools into the educational process, and apply legal norms and principles of mentoring in your professional activities.

The School’s autumn program opened with a lecture by Olga Rubtsova, Rector of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, accredited expert of Roskomnadzor, editor-in-chief of the Vneshkolnik magazine, on the peculiarities of children’s perception of information products, education and socialization of students in the digital environment.

“During the implementation of the “Study the Internet” project, we realized that the development of digital literacy of students is directly related to the readiness of teachers for this type of activity: the higher the level of ICT competencies of the teacher, the higher the likelihood of students’ early introduction to digital technologies and their conscious use of digital services , tools, digital content for solving specific practical problems,” Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said in her opening speech. “As part of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor, we traveled a lot around the country, conducted Safe Internet Lessons, talked with teachers, learned about their need to improve digital skills in the broad sense of the word, and eventually decided to join forces with the Academy of Innovative Education and create a School of Mentors. We will share our expertise in the field of Internet management, and our colleagues will share our expertise in the field of digitalization of education. Our task is to provide working tools and knowledge that can be scaled up and transferred to colleagues and students.”

During two weeks of open registration for the Study the Internet Mentor School, the organizers received about 200 applications from 55 regions of Russia. The leaders in the number of applications are the Vladimir, Sverdlovsk, Moscow and Rostov regions, the Republic of Karelia and Moscow. Among those wishing to complete the School’s program are university professors, school teachers, educators, cadet class mentors, methodologists, additional education teachers, and librarians. The vast majority of specialists who applied for training have higher education and teach computer science at schools and universities, there are also many mathematicians and physicists; there were isolated applications from teachers of biology, foreign languages, music, Russian language and literature.

Based on the results of consideration of applications and, in particular, a motivational essay, 67 students were enrolled in the first School of Mentors “Study the Internet”. The result of studying at the School will be the creation of a lesson on the topics covered using the tools of the “Study the Internet & Govern It!” project. Everyone who successfully completes the program will receive a state-issued advanced training certificate.

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