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The Coordination Center Conducted a Lecture for Students of Moscow Technical University

Chief Analyst of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and Head of the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance Maria Kolesnikova gave a lecture “Internationalization of domain and email1 addressing on the Internet” by 1st year students of the master’s program “Information Culture of Digital Transformation” of the RANS Department of Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

The lecture was devoted to modern trends in the development and support of multilingualism on the Internet, the internationalization of domain and email addressing, the problems and prospects for introducing Universal Acceptance of all domain names and email addresses available today.

During the presentation, Maria spoke in detail on the issues of expanding support for the Russian national domain zone, primarily in terms of improving the user experience for using Cyrillic domains and email addresses with their use in domestic software.

During communication with students, questions were also raised about the safe use of domain names and the capabilities of the Center’s projects such as Domain Patrol and Netoscope in combating domain abuse.

At the end of the lecture, Maria presented various opportunities for youth participation in international and Russian initiatives in the field of universal Internet adoption and governance. Among them are IETF, ICANN, UASG, IGF, Summer School on Internet Governance, CC Youth Council and others.

At the end of the lecture, Maria presented various opportunities for youth participation in international and Russian initiatives in the field of universal acceptance and Internet Governance. Among them are IETF, ICANN, UASG, IGF, Summer School on Internet Governance, Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and others.

“The Coordination Center continues to develop cooperation with MTUCI and RANS in training future cadres for the IT industry. We strive to provide young professionals with the most up-to-date knowledge and skills on work and safe use of the Internet address space, an integral part of which are addressing means in Russian. Such knowledge and skills today should be in the arsenal of any professional IT specialist,” Maria Kolesnikova said.

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