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“We Have Everything We Need to Implement Universal Acceptance”

On October 24-25, the XXII specialized forum “Spectr” is taking place in Sochi. The main topic is regulation in the field of information and communication technologies. The forum is attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Roskomnadzor, telecom operators and major industry organizations.

At the opening of the forum, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, Head of the Presidential Directorate for the Development of ICT and Communications Infrastructure Tatyana Matveeva, Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications Maksut Shadayev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on information policy and communications of the State Duma Alexander Khinshtein.

Sergei Kiriyenko noted that the sovereignty of the Russian information space cannot be ensured without the development of its own software and hardware solutions, technologies and approaches that will ensure sustainable and independent development for the country. “Today, the government and business need to focus on providing the communications industry with reliable, trusted solutions. It is necessary to stop the spread of fakes and destructive content,” he said.

“For the sustainable development of communication networks and the entire industry as a whole, together with the telecom market, we have developed a development strategy until 2030. After all, it is important to maintain a high level of modern communication services. They should be available to citizens throughout the country,” Maksut Shadayev noted. The Head of the Ministry also paid special attention to increasing the level of information security of organizations.

Vadim Mikhailov, an infrastructure consultant for the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, took part in the forum’s work program. He told participants about the latest achievements in the field of integration of IDN domains and EAI addresses into the multilingual ecosystem of the global network and the work of the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance.

Vadim Mikhailov reviewed the activities of international professional communities, the standards, protocols and policies they created. He also spoke in detail about the work and achievements of the Russian Working Group on the Universal Acceptance of Cyrillic Domains and Email Addresses.

The expert emphasized that technical cooperation between country code domain registries not only continues, but is also actively growing, becoming key to such initiatives as the implementation of universal acceptance. As a result, Yerevan hosted the Day of Universal Acceptance this year, and Serbia is scheduled to host it in 2024.

In conclusion, Vadim Mikhailov addressed the audience: “we have everything we need to implement Universal Acceptance: public interest, the availability of standards and software developed in accordance with them, a huge amount of information, methods, recommendations, instructions, etc. Support for IDN and EAI is becoming the norm everywhere. And if your systems are not yet ready for this, then it’s time to bring them into compliance.”

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