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Safe Internet lessons were held at the Uryupinsk Lyceum

On October 21, Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Lyceum" of the city of Uryupinsk, Volgograd region, celebrated an important date – 20 years since its foundation. The celebration of the anniversary was attended by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov, the President of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University and a graduate of the Lyceum Vladimir Filippov, the Rector of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development Olga Rubtsova, experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, graduates of the Lyceum from previous years, teachers and mentors.

Sergey Kravtsov congratulated the teaching staff and students of the Lyceum on the 20th anniversary of their educational institution, as well as on the All-Russian Day of Lyceum Students. “I want to congratulate you on your educational institution's 20th anniversary as a lyceum. Its history dates back to the twentieth century, making it one of the older institutions in the Volgograd area. Today is also All-Russian Lyceum Student Day across the entire country. The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened its doors on this date, October 19, 1811. The Uryupinsk Lyceum's founding anniversary comes within the Year of the Teacher and Mentor. In this regard, I'd want to thank the lyceum's professors as well as all the educators in the Volgograd region,” Sergey Kravtsov said via video link.

Vladimir Filippov also congratulated the students and teachers: “The school is really actively participating in the modernization of Russian education. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin supported the idea of developing specialized classes. And I am ready to contribute in every possible way to attracting not only Moscow schools, but also educational institutions such as the Uryupinsk Lyceum to this development.”

Over the past week, ceremonial events were held at the Lyceum, during which the Project Manager of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU, Alexander Drozdov, and the Chairman of the Youth Council of the Center, Andrey Aleinikov, conducted safe Internet lessons for grades 3-11 of the Lyceum, as well as a quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!” – special emphasis was placed on cybersecurity and online hygiene in the questions. Over two busy days, about 550 students attended safe internet lessons.

Lyceum Director Irina Sagalayeva noted that specialists from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ during safe Internet lessons helped students understand how to behave on the Internet in order to avoid getting into unpleasant situations. “Without forgetting the past, we confidently move into the future. The entire team strives to provide quality education to our students and maintain the high level of our Lyceum,” the director said.

In addition, the Lyceum teachers were presented with a new educational project of the Coordination Center, which the Center is implementing jointly with the Academy of Innovative Education and Development - School of Mentors “Study the Internet”. At the gala concert in honor of the anniversary of the Lyceum, which took place on October 20 at the Yubileiny theater and cultural center, Academy of Innovative Education and Development Rector Olga Rubtsova presented two Lyceum teachers - primary school teacher Diana Vedernikova and Russian language and literature teacher Elena Patoka - with certificates for participation in the first School “Study the Internet” mentors, which will take place from November 8 to December 25.

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