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Trust in Digital Diplomacy

On October 12–14, the XV Convention of the Russian International Studies Association (RISA) was held at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Leading Russian and foreign scientists and representatives of the educational and research community discussed socio-economic, political and legal trends in the formation of a new world order.

The “Digital Diplomacy” section, in which Vladimir Gorzhaltsan, Advisor to the Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU./РФ, took part with the report “Trust in Digital Diplomacy” was held On October 13, within the framework of the XV RISA Convention. He talked about how concern for cybersecurity is one of the main trends defining digital diplomacy in 2023.

Among the goals of the draft Convention on International Information Security, submitted by Russia to the UN, is the strengthening of trust and development of cooperation between states in the field of international information security in order to overcome tensions arising as a result of the malicious use of information and communication technologies. Vladimir Gorzhaltsan noted that Russia calls for strengthening trust and developing cooperation in the field of ensuring international information security by providing each other with information on national legislation in this area, promptly exchanging information about crisis events and threats in cyberspace, developing a standardized set of technical information necessary for transfers for the purpose of responding to relevant incidents, as well as conducting consultations between countries. However, timely distribution of threat indicators will only work in an environment where trust is maintained.

“Trust is not a matter of technology, but of policy language and a structured understanding of problems. Today, the problem of trust in digital diplomacy does not have a systemic solution. And I hope that the new generation of MGIMO students and scientists will be able to take an active part in the development of this issue,” the speaker said.

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