Yesterday, a Youth IGF seminar took place in the run-up to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2023), being held in Kyoto on October 8-12, 2023. The Youth IGF focused on cybersecurity and trust.
Throughout 2023, four events for youth were held at several regional venues. The main issues on the agenda were children’s safety on the internet, developing the younger generation’s cybersecurity potential, empowering the youth in matters of privacy, security and freedom in the metaverses, and the ethical use of artificial intelligence for the inclusive and innovative development of the digital landscape. These events were held in Finland, Colombia, Australia and Nigeria. The participants drafted reports that will be included in the youth message at the Internet Governance Forum 2023.
How can policymakers balance the protection of personal data with the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures in a constantly developing digital world? Should the management of social media platforms make a greater effort to protect young users from cyberbullying and online harassment? How can young people participate in shaping cybersecurity policies and governance? The participants in the IGF Youth Track 2023 tried to find answers to these and other questions.
On October 8, the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, and the International Information Security School, held a lightning talk, AI in Education: the Future or a Storm in a Glass, the main topic of which was the use of artificial intelligence in education at schools and universities. Representatives of the Coordination Center Andrei Aleinikov and Pavel Pozdnyakov, as well as members of the Youth Council, and the IIS School Arevik Martirosyan with Vera Terekhova, highlighted the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in education, based on current international studies, and they conducted a survey among the audience regarding the issues raised during the session.
“Given that modern society is moving towards innovation and technology development, the question arises: what should education look like today so that students and teaching staff are ready for tomorrow? In a sense, the future has already started; today there are many different educational tools that use artificial intelligence,” said Pavel Pozdnyakov.
“It is important to think through the processes of interaction with artificial intelligence, without seeing it as a danger. Rather than AI-based tools, an outdated approach to training and education can pose a threat,” added Andrei Aleynikov.
IGF 2023 continues – stay tuned!