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Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics sign cooperation agreement

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) signed an agreement on cooperation in education and training, applied research, as well as external communications and PR.

The agreement is aimed at expanding relations between MTUCI and the Coordination Center in the field of information and telecommunications technologies and cybersecurity, including improving the security of the internet and preventing abuse on the internet and the domain name registration system, increasing the level of knowledge about the universal acceptance of internationalized domain names and email addresses and the technical aspects of supporting them in software, as well as expanding internet use, internet governance, and improving users’ digital literacy. The parties main goal is to strengthen cooperation in training highly qualified personnel for the telecommunications industry.

As part of their cooperation, MTUCI and the Coordination Center plan to organize educational events for students, including lectures, master classes, roundtable discussions, seminars, conferences, forums and other events on the development of information and communications technologies and information security with specialists from the Coordination Center. It will also advise MTUCI on the issues of training students in security, ensuring the functioning and development of the domain name registration system, introducing universal acceptance of internationalized domain names and email addresses in software, internet governance and increasing the digital literacy of users.

Cooperation between the Coordination Center and MTUCI has been in effect for many years. For example, in 2019, the Standard Domestic Module for the Study of Internet Technologies (TOMIIT) was developed with ccTLD’s support. The module is used to train young specialists for the Russian telecommunications industry.

CCTLD experts have given many lectures at MTUCI on internet structure and development and the domain name system, and representatives of the Coordination Center regularly participate in the ‘Ethical, Cultural and Civilizational Aspects of Working on the Internet Youth Forum.’

This cooperation agreement between the Coordination Center and MTUCI is further confirmation of the partnership and friendly relations between the leading Russian telecommunications university and the national registry. Today, one of the main goals in the ITC sector is to build human resource potential and attract young specialists, and our agreement will help reach this goal,” Andrey Vorobyev, director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said.

The main goal of the agreement is to form a highly qualified personnel reserve for the country in ITC and cybersecurity, which echoes one of the global objectives of MTUCI. I would like to note that our university staff and students annually take part in the Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF) and in the special course for young people offered by the ccTLD. MTUCI is interested in providing a secure internet environment for people of all ages and will continue to work in this direction,” MTUCI Rector Sergei Yerokhin said.

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