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Representatives of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Joined the Committee for Universal Acceptance of the ccNSO

Consultant of the Coordination Center for Infrastructure Vadim Mikhailov and Chairman of the Youth Council of the Center Andrey Aleynikov are included in the Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC) of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO).

The purpose of the ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee (UAC) is to provide the ccTLD community a platform to interact and share information at a global level and with other groups under the ICANN umbrella on topics related to UA and acceptance of IDNs, both globally and among working groups within ICANN. It is reported that, in keeping with the nature of the Country Code Name Supporting Organization, the purpose of the committee is not to formulate any policies or standards, as these issues are the responsibility of individual country code top-level domain registries and are outside the scope of the ccNSO.

The ccNSO's participation in the upcoming ICANN 78th, which will be held October 21-26 in Hamburg, will be very busy. Specifically, the ccNSO's Internet Governance Liaison Committee is hosting a meeting on October 25 to review the upcoming World Summit on the Information Society in 2025 and discuss why it is important for country code domains around the world. On October 23, as part of ICANN78, the ccNSO will host its traditional Tech Day, which is open to all members of the ICANN community. Also, at the conference there will be working meetings between the management and members of the ccNSO, where further steps in the development of the Country Code Name Supporting Organization and the role and place of the organization in the ICANN structure will be discussed. And on October 24 there will be a meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the ccNSO. More information about ccNSO events at ICANN 78 can be found here.

Let us remind you that this year the Country Code Names Supporting Organization celebrates its twentieth anniversary. ccNSO is a universally recognized platform for communication, exchange of experience and knowledge among ccTLDs registries. Representatives of country code domains from around the globe participate in the work of the organization, and from 2022, registries of national internationalized domains (IDN ccTLDs) can also become members of the ccNSO.

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