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The UIC Dev Technology Conference 2023 Held in Izhevsk

On September 30, the sixth technology conference UIC Dev 2023, bringing together more than 600 IT specialists - developers, managers, analysts, designers - for professional development and exchange of experience, was held in Izhevsk. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, as in previous years, acted as a partner of the event.

The training of highly qualified specialists is part of the “Digital Economy” national project, initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the progress of the UIC Dev 2023 conference was followed with great attention by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic. First Deputy Minister Mikhail Fomichov spoke at the opening of the Conference. And at the closing, the Minister of Digital Development of the Udmurt Republic, Timur Medzhitov, addressed the participants. “The information technology industry is developing and growing at a rapid pace. Today, Udmurtia successfully competes in the domestic IT market. More than 100 unique products of IT companies of the republic are presented in the all-Russian software register. Udmurtia is a region with one of the best growth rates for the software development industry. In order to keep up with modern trends, you need to constantly improve your competencies, and conferences such as UIC Dev are necessary precisely for this,” the minister said.

At the opening of UIC Dev 2023, the Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Andrey Vorobyev, spoke about the history of partnerships between the Coordination Center, accredited registrars and the Picom, the organizer of the Conference. Andrey Vorobyev also became the moderator of the Dev Talks section, where, in particular, problematic issues of implementing internationalized Internet identifiers in software solutions were discussed.

A detailed report on this issue was made by Vadim Mikhailov, infrastructure consultant of the Coordination Center. In the report “Domain and Email Addressing in Russian, How to Integrate Into Your Systems?” he discussed the latest advances in integrating IDN and EAI into the multilingual global network ecosystem. The speaker provided historical background on the internationalization of Internet identifiers and spoke about the current work of expert communities and the industry standards they have developed. Students also took a brief excursion into the operation of the domain addressing system and mail interaction, and learned about the features of implementing IDN and EAI support. The main part of the report included an overview of available ready-made solutions, such as Microsoft Live and Gmail email services; email software products from Apple, Microsoft, Communigate Pro, Xgen Plus, etc.; software libraries and frameworks of popular programming languages, as well as real cases of implementing correct work with IDN and EAI technologies in mail systems of various sizes.

In addition, the Project Manager of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Evgeniy Pankov, held a quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!” with prizes for the winners and souvenirs from the Coordination Center for all participants.

“The main marketing activity this year at the stand of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was the holding of the quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!” among the conference participants with a focus on increasing the level of digital literacy of Internet users, popularizing the national domains .RU and .РФ and attracting users to the project “Study the Internet & Govern It!”. The quiz was very popular among the participants, and it was even necessary to conduct additional rounds. Now we will think about how to expand the project to an older audience of 18+, we will begin to prepare new topics and questions, and we will also discuss the possibility of holding a championship ““Study the Internet & Govern It!” for all ages,” Andrey Vorobyev shared the results of the quiz at UIC Dev 2023.

“Study the Internet & Govern It!” is a social and educational project for students, which is implemented by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of PJSC Rostelecom. The basis of the project is an educational portal that allows you to study the possibilities and principles of the Internet in an accessible and fun way, and a training mobile application will help you consolidate your knowledge. The All-Russian online championship for student’s is being held as part of the project – registration is open until November 1.

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