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To be Intelligent, Not to Look Like!

On September 29, the All-Russian campaign “Digital Dictation” started. The largest event to test knowledge in the field of Internet technologies will last until October 15, 2023. Users will be able to find out their individual level of digital competencies both online and offline. On the first day of the dictation, about 35,000 people took part in the dictation.

The organizer of the action is RAEC, co-organizers are ANO Digital Economy and the National Front. The Digital Dictation is supported by the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia and the Moscow Department of Information Technology. The all-Russian event is being implemented in support of the federal project “Cadres for the Digital Economy” of the national project “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. The general partner of the campaign is Avito.

The organizers and partners of the event spoke about the main goals for this year and recalled the successes of last season. The conversation took place in the format of a talk show, hosted by Sergey Grebennikov, Director of RAEC and dictation ideologist:

“Today we announced the start of the All-Russian Digital Dictation campaign. It’s great that our project gives millions of users the opportunity to try their hand and test their knowledge of digital services and products. In the context of widespread digitalization, this is more important than ever. The Digital Dictation is considered the largest test of knowledge for a reason - the event will be held without exception in all regions of Russia. In many cities, participants will be able to come to the dictation site and get tested. Everyone who passes the test in online or offline format will be able to receive a personal Digital Dictation participant certificate. We invite you to take part in the dictation with the whole family!”

One of the main goals of the project, according to the organizers, is to introduce Russian citizens to domestic digital services and products. The test will be available to different age groups from 10 years and older. All dictation participants will test their knowledge in four categories: digital competencies, digital consumption, digital security, new technologies.

Director General of ANO “Digital Economy” Sergey Plugotarenko noted that the All-Russian campaign is supported by technological leaders of Russia, representatives of the state and the business community:

“We are in constant communication with business and understand that in order to achieve ambitious plans in import substitution, the development of our own services and projects, it is important to involve users and the public in the digital agenda. The Digital Dictation project not only solves the important task of increasing the level of digital literacy, but also introduces technology consumers to the diversity of what domestic companies produce today. Therefore, we are glad to act as a co-organizer of the event, we are glad to see such involvement of business in the project.”

For many years, Avito has been supporting the project. This year the team is the general partner of the event, since the topic of digital literacy and education is one of the company’s priorities. As part of the start of the All-Russian campaign, Avito announced the launch of its own educational game, “Guardians of Avito,” where users can learn the basics of online communication and shopping.

“Every second resident of the country has a profile on Avito. And therefore, we see our mission not only to protect users on the platform, but also to give them universal tools for safe communication on the Internet. We use different formats for this: from holding master classes and releasing special projects to large-scale collaborations with partners. RAEC became one of these partners - we are supporting Digital Dictation for the second time and we see how its audience has grown. Today we launched our online game “Guardians of Avito”. This is an educational game designed for three generations of users: children, teenagers and adults. A unique scenario has been developed for everyone, and we hope that with its help it will become even more interesting to learn safety rules and test yourself. Students and Academic Olympics members took part in the work on the project. This way we were able to make it closer to the audience. The new game will develop, become more complex, and to do so, it is no longer enough to be attentive at a distance; it is important to remember the rules and answer the quiz question. We are confident that it is better to test knowledge and make mistakes in the same playful way, so that in practice we are fully prepared for possible encounters with non-standard situations,” Andrey Rybintsev, Director of digital Transformation at Avito, said.

This year the Coordination Center made a large contribution to the preparation of questions. Irina Pyzhova, Head of the Press Service of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, spoke about this in detail:

“Today, a domain name has become one of the most significant assets of a business, and any entrepreneur may succeed by making the right choice and having the right attitude towards the domain name. But a domain name has its own specifics; you need to choose it correctly, register it correctly, and then, at a minimum, remember to renew it on time. And not every user is familiar with all the intricacies of this process - that is why the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ proposed a block of questions for the “Digital Dictation” related to the peculiarities of choosing, registering and using domain names in .RU and Cyrillic .РФ. This will help people learn more about domain names and how to handle them properly. The all-Russian event “Digital Dictation” is a great way to test your knowledge in a fun way, and then also get the right answers, that is, learn something useful and new for yourself.”

For more than two weeks, under the auspices of the dictation, educational events, lectures and master classes will be held in all regions of Russia. Moscow is no exception - in October, the organizers of the event, together with the Moscow Department of Information Technology, will hold Digital Literacy Day, where a discussion will take place on the role of people in the digital world. Speakers will talk about why it is important to observe the basics of digital hygiene and how knowledge about digital services can protect a person online.

You can follow the calendar of events dedicated to digital literacy on the official website of the event: ЦифровойДиктант.рф

Let us remind you that the Digital Dictation is an annual event recognized as the largest test of knowledge in the field of digital literacy in Russia. It allows users not only to find out their level of digital competencies, but also to work on mistakes and form their personal trajectory for the development of missing knowledge and skills.

The goal of the Dictation is to provide the opportunity to measure the personal level of digital literacy and its aspects: digital consumption, digital competencies and digital security. The result of the “Digital Dictation” will be an index of digital literacy of the Russian population, and the participants will form a personal way for increasing digital literacy.

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