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Safe Internet Lesson for Students in Troitsk

On September 30, Russia celebrates Internet Day. On the eve of the holiday, experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ conducted a Safe Internet Lesson and a quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!”  for students of Troitsk.

On September 27, meetings with junior and senior high school students were held at the Baytik Troitsk Foundation. In the atmosphere of a cozy anti-cafe of the foundation, the Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev and the Project Manager of the Center Alexander Drozdov told the fourth-graders students of the Troitsk Gymnasium about the structure of the Internet, the methods of Internet scammers, the principles of creating strong passwords and the basic rules of safe behavior on the Internet. Also, during an exciting quiz, the children were able to test their knowledge of Internet technologies. At the end of the meeting, all participants received a comic book “Styopa’s Adventure on the Internet” and memorable souvenirs from the Coordination Center.

Students from the six Troitsk high schools gathered in the Baytik Information Technology Center's Computer classroom. They attended a Safe Internet Lesson before participating in the "Study the Internet & Govern It!" quiz with their school teams. For winning and participating in the quiz, the teams received gifts: notepads, keychains, stickers, comics.

All teams were invited to the XII All-Russian online championship “Study the Internet & Govern It!”, applications for which have already started on the website игра-интернет.рф. Any student can test their knowledge and receive a tablet, webcam, headphones, smart watch and other valuable prizes for winning the championship.

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