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Prizes Have Been Announced for the Winners of the Competition for Beginning Bloggers “DOT-Journalism. Juncors"

The acceptance of works for the 5th competition for beginning online journalists and bloggers “DOT-Journalism. Juncors” continues until November 1. Students of schools, colleges, and applicants under the age of 18 are all allowed to participate.

The competition accepts articles, essays, video or audio podcasts, photo reports, interviews, infographics, longreads on one of the following topics:

  • IT teacher | Discussion on how a teacher uses the Internet and digital technologies in their work and to improve their own level of cyber literacy
  • Technologies in Education | Which digital technologies and, most importantly, how do they help us learn and develop?
  • .RU .vs .РФ | Which of these domains do I choose for my Internet project, and why?
  • Russian language on the Internet | Where does it “live”, by whom and how is it used, how will it change under the influence of new digital technologies

Assays must be done and/or published between June 1 and November 1, 2023. The number of works presented by one author or team of authors is not limited.

The authors of the three best works in each category are awarded a diploma, a set of souvenirs from the competition partners and a valuable prize:

  • 1st place – Smart speaker VK (Capsule Neo)
  • 2nd place – Philips Bluetooth headset
  • 3rd place - TFN virtual reality glasses

The winners will be determined by a jury consisting of representatives of Russian and international organizations related to the management and development of Internet infrastructure, as well as recognized industry experts and journalists who have previously won the DOT journalism competition. The results will be summed up in December as part of the Runet Prize.

Let us remind you that the competition was traditionally organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of the The Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC), the REG.RU company and the Smart Internet Foundation (domain .ДЕТИ).

The goal of the competition is to increase the level of digital literacy of Runet users, as well as the professional and high-quality level of journalistic work about the Internet and digital technologies.

Feedback by the competition organizers at:

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