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Why Does Teacher Need Digital Technologies?

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is launching a series of thematic meetings on the VK platform of the “Safe Information Environment for Children” project. This is a comprehensive project of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development for parents, teachers and young professionals of various profiles working with children and youth, as well as participating in the process of digitalization of education, examination of children's information products and increasing the overall level of digital literacy of the younger generation.

Together with guests - practicing specialists, colleagues, partners and friends – the Coordination Center will present its educational, research and competitive projects for students, the teaching and professional community, and also discuss issues and problems that in one way or another relate to these projects.

The first webinar will take place on September 27, starting at 15:00 Moscow time. The topic of the meeting is “Why Does Teacher Need Digital Technologies?”. Participants will listen to:

  • lecture-instruction about the online championship for students “Study the Internet & Govern It”: Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, will tell you how to register for the Championship and why to participate in these competitions
  • practical report by Tatyana Lomakina, computer science teacher and media educator at Moscow School 2120, “Digital Services as New Opportunities for Teachers”

You can join the broadcast on VKontakte via this link or click “Play” in the player below. Questions to the speakers can be asked in the broadcast chat.

Webins provide assistance with information support from the Smart Internet Foundation (domain .ДЕТИ).

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