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APTLD84 Discussed Promoting Universal Acceptance in the Region

The 84th Asia-Pacific Top-Level Domain Association APTLD84 Conference is taking place in Seoul on September 18-20. Experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ take an active part in the work of the Conference.

Deputy Director of the Coordination Center Irina Danelia moderated the session “Tales of Hatred and Intolerance: ccTLDs in Combat against DNS Abuse,” where experts exchanged experiences and discussed key issues in this area.

Center’s Chief Analyst and Head of the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance Maria Kolesnikova and Infrastructure Consultant of the Center Vadim Mikhailov addressed the round table “ccTLDs and Advancement of Universal Acceptance.”
Maria Kolesnikova spoke about the barriers to implementing Universal Acceptance and the tools that national registries can use to overcome them. She also shared the experience of the Russian registry in involving software developers in the processes of finalizing and implementing support for domains and email addresses in national languages in their programs and products.

“Universal Acceptance of domain names and email addresses can be implemented by software developers. And our role as the registry of ccTLDs is to provide them with comprehensive support, teach them the specifics of working with internationalized domains and postal addresses, facilitate the process of finding the necessary technical documentation and share practical developments in implementation,” said Maria Kolesnikova.

Vadim Mikhailov spoke about the technical difficulties of implementing Universal Acceptance throughout the world, as well as the technological, methodological and educational support provided by experts of the Coordination Center to software developers, students and specialists of IT companies.

At the session “With Ruler and Astrolabe: DNS Measurement: Tools and Practices,” Project manager of the Center Olga Baskakova presented a new statistics system being developed by the center, which will complement and expand the data analysis capabilities of the “Russian Domains” portal ( Experts and analysts of the Coordination Center are now working on new analytical tools that will be used to analyze data, identify trends and formulate forecasts for the development of Russian domain zones. Participants were also shown what statistical and analytical reports of the new project might look like.

As a reminder, the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD) is an association of national registries in the Asian region. APTLD operates as a forum for the exchange of information regarding technological and operational issues related to domain name registration. APTLD celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, and many of the events in 2023 revolve around this anniversary.

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