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Cooperation Agreement Signed with Petrozavodsk State University at TLDCON 2023

On September 11-13, 2023, Petrozavodsk turned into the capital of the domain industry! The 16th International Conference of Administrators and Registrars of National Top-Level Domains of the CIS Countries, Central and Eastern Europe TLDCON 2023 took place there. The Conference brought together more than 150 professionals, 60 of whom came to the capital of Karelia. Participants were treated to two intense days of discussions, as well as a business, educational and cultural program.

For the organizers of TLDCON 2023 – the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ – the Conference became an occasion for serious business communication at the highest level. Deputy Head of the Republic of Karelia - Chairman of the Administration of the Head of the Republic of Karelia Tatyana Ignatieva addressed the Conference participants with a welcoming speech. She noted the importance of holding the conference for Karelia, as well as the significance of the work carried out by the Coordination Center for the development of the national segment of the Internet. The educational track TLDCON 2023 was especially highlighted. “I believe that the lectures held within the framework of the conference on the development of the Internet and domain space in Russia and in the world will be of great help to the younger generation in understanding the functioning of the World Wide Web, and will also certainly allow them to take the necessary step in choosing a profession,” says Tatiana Ignatieva’s welcoming speech.

Also, the Conference and its educational track were highly appreciated by the member and chairman of the committee on economic and industrial policy, energy and housing and communal services of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia Leonid Liminchuk. At the meeting with the parliamentarian, it was planned to hold a number of joint events in the Republic of Karelia in the future.

Another result of the Conference was the signing of a cooperation agreement with Petrozavodsk State University on holding a series of lectures from experts of the Coordination Center and the inclusion of university students in the work of the project “Поддерживаю.РФ

As part of the cooperation, it is expected to implement joint programs in the field of educational, methodological and research activities, as well as educational programs in the field of IT technologies, conduct master classes, trainings, business games and other events for university students. The agreement also provides for cooperation in the implementation of the Center’s projects. Thus, the “Поддерживаю.РФ” project will be used to increase the level of knowledge and training of students and young professionals on the topic of introducing universal acceptance of domain names and email addresses in software, information systems, services and websites. And as part of the educational project “Study the Internet - Govern It,” it is planned to hold online tournaments and quizzes aimed at improving the digital literacy of users.

The parties also agreed on cooperation in the field of Internet Governance – in particular, we are talking about the implementation of Center’s projects on this topic: a special course for youth within the framework of the Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF), the Summer School on Internet Governance, the Discussion Club under the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

The agreement also involves cooperation in the implementation of projects in the field of development of information and telecommunication technologies and information security, including in the field of studying aspects of Internet security, preventing the use of the Internet and the domain name registration system for illegal purposes.

“We are very pleased that our projects have aroused interest among the leadership of the Republic of Karelia and the mayor’s office of Petrozavodsk, the administration and students of Petrozavodsk State University. In September, at the TLDCON 2023, we had a unique opportunity to introduce PetrSU students and teachers to these projects “live” - our experts and conference speakers gave lectures at educational institutions in Petrozavodsk, and also held seminars, master classes and business games. I am confident that our cooperation in implementing projects on the topic of Internet Governance, Universal Acceptance of non-Latin domains and email addresses, increasing the digital literacy of users, in the field of information security will be mutually beneficial and successful,” said Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center.

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