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Safe Internet Lessons in Petrozavodsk

In addition to a number of lectures held as part of the Internet Week in Karelia, safe Internet lessons and a “Study the Internet & Govern It!” quiz were organized in Petrozavodsk.

On September 11, at the opening of the educational track at the City Administration, the Youth Digital Ombudsman, Director of the Center for Ensuring the Rights of Youth in the Digital Space of the Moscow State Law University Dmitry Gulyaev gave a lecture "Fake Manipulations in Mass Media: How to Recognize Them and Convince Friends of the Unreliability of Information?"

Teachers took part in the interactive master class by Dmitry Gulyaev “Stand and Not to Give in: How is Consciousness Manipulated in the Internet Space?”, and then the project manager of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Evgeniy Pankov, held a quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!” among teams of high school students from Petrozavodsk.

A quiz about IDN domains and encodings was given to students at PetrSU's Physics and Technology Institute on the same day. The quiz was a great success after lectures on Universal Acceptance and technical aspects of the internationalization of domain and email addressing from experts of the Coordination Center Maria Kolesnikova and Vadim Mikhailov.

And after the lectures by the president of the Internet and Law company, Doctor of Law Anton Sergo and the Head of the .SU registry Evgeniy Kuskevich at the Petrozavodsk Technical School of Municipal Economy, project manager of the Center Alexander Drozdov held a quiz for technical students.

On September 12, the Coordination Center in cooperation with the Youth Digital Ombudsman Dmitry Gulyaev, also conducted a Safe Internet Lesson at Novovilgovskaya Secondary School No. 3, Prionezhsky District. Students took part in the interactive master class “Slander, Insult and Defamation - Three “Pillars” of Aggression on the Web?” and in the quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!”. Teams of teachers and schoolchildren competed against one another in addition to students.

The quizzes and master classes did not end there - in the second half of the same day, the opening ceremony of the School of Mentors “Study the Internet” took place in the Administration of Petrozavodsk. After the presentation of the School of Mentors, there was a lecture by Ph.D., Rector of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development Olga Rubtsova and an interactive lecture by Youth Digital Ombudsman Dmitry Gulyaev “Bulling and CYBERbullying: What Should Parents and Teachers Know about Them?”. After the lecture, Project Manager of the Coordination Center Evgeniy Pankov held a quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It!” for teachers of 39 schools in Petrozavodsk, clearly demonstrating the project’s capabilities that can be used in the educational process.

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