The end of August is the time of pedagogical meetings dedicated to the new academic year. On August 25, the Academy of Innovative Education and Development organized the traditional "NEpedsovet" (Not-a-Pedagogical Council). The theme of this year's meeting is "Issues for Which We Are Collectively Seeking Solutions."
Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department and Head of Social Projects of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, addressed the meeting of the NEPedsovet. She spoke about the socio-educational projects of the Center and the tools for creating a safe information environment at school and at home.
Olga Yakovleva introduced the participants of the event to the .ДЕТИ domain space, the educational project "Study the Internet & Govern It!", the Summer School on Internet Governance, the Youth Council and other projects of the Center.
“In matters of children's behavior on the Internet, most parents place their hopes on the school, and mainly on the computer science teacher. At the same time, more than half of the parents themselves are not very well versed in working with gadgets and ask their children to help with this. And a certain part of parents do not think at all about the development of digital literacy of children, arguing that they already know and can do everything themselves,” said Olga Yakovleva.
The Coordination Centre and Academy of Innovative Education and Development jointly presented a new project at "NEPedsovet" called the School of Mentors "Study the Internet". The target audience of the project is innovative teachers, librarians, methodologists, students and graduate students of a pedagogical profile, as well as other professionals working with children and the youth.
“The readiness of teachers to educate and implant digital skills in students strongly affects the growth of digital literacy among students. The higher the teacher’s level of digital competencies, the higher the likelihood of early involvement of students in digital technologies, their conscious use of digital services, tools, digital content to solve specific practical problems,” Olga added.
A recording of the stream of the NEPedsovet is available in the Safe Information Environment of Childhood group on VKontakte, and all the details about the School of Mentors will be available this year, follow our news.