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Your body’s doctor: Artificial intelligence in healthcare

After a summer break, the Digital Reality discussion club resumes its meetings. On August 17, participants and experts will talk about the uses of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Today’s standards in the healthcare system often fall short of its users’ expectations. Can the introduction of artificial intelligence increase the satisfaction for those seeking medical care? AI technologies have emerged relatively recently, and if we consider their effectiveness based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, then we can say that they are at an early stage of development. Feedback is collected and analyzed only when innovations are really implemented and scaled, without which no technology will never mature. Technology optimists call artificial intelligence the “digital doctor” of the future. Skeptics, on the other hand, argue that AI as an autonomous safe agent is still far in the future. At the meeting, we will find out what the experts think.

To be discussed:

  • AI’s role in medicine;
  • Maturity of AI products for healthcare;
  • Regulation of access to anonymized medical data for AI training;
  • AI’s future and autonomous AI systems;
  • Parallels with drug lifecycle;
  • Moscow experiment introducing AI in healthcare: experience, indicators, areas and quality control.


  • Igor Shulkin, Deputy Director for Prospective Development, Moscow Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine;
  • Alexander Gusev, Director for Business Development, K-Sky (Webiomed);
  • Filipp Gorkavenko, Deputy Head of the Department of Methodological Support for Comprehensive Assessment of Technologies in Healthcare, Center for Healthcare Quality Assessment and Control of the Russian Ministry of Health;
  • Dmitry Romanov, Head of Medicine Projects, Ntech Lab.

The club’s streams are open for everyone who wants to join, ask a question, or comment. You can register here.

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