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Universal Acceptance Steering Group of the CIS and Eastern Europe Held its Meeting

On July 13, there was a thematic meeting of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group of the CIS countries and Eastern Europe. The focus was on the features and available software solutions for deploying EAI-enabled email systems.

The meeting was attended by representatives of ccTLD registries and technical experts from the CIS countries and Eastern Europe, including representatives of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Поддерживаю.РФ, as well as producers of email solutions that have already implemented support internationalized Email addresses (EAI).

Vadim Mikhailov, technical consultant of the Поддерживаю.РФ, talked about how to organize an EAI Email system based on an open source software stack. Igor Bondarenko, Product Manager at MyOffice, made a presentation on the Mailion corporate mail system, in which he shared its EAI support capabilities. Ivan Ryzhaev, Lead Architect of CommuniGate Systems, spoke about the present and future of corporate communications and EAI support in the new version of the CommuniGate X platform.

The participants of the meeting were also provided with clarifications on the technical nuances of implementing the EAI technology. And experts from the Поддерживаю.РФ spoke about materials for system administrators on installing and configuring EAI mail systems, available in the project's knowledge base.

“For a full-fledged implementation by an organization of a mail stack that supports working with internationalized mail addresses, there are all the necessary open source software components, and you can find out how to properly configure them for various operating systems on the wiki page of the Поддерживаю.РФ,” Vadim Mikhailov said.

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