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The Safe Internet League Launched a Summer Internship Program for Students

On July 18, the National Center for Missing and Injured Children and the Safe Internet League launched a summer internship program for students of schools and universities. The internship takes place in Moscow in two directions. The direction "IT and Development, Countering the Spread of Dangerous Content by Studying the Tools and Creating New Projects" will start first. The second direction will be launched from August 8, dedicated to volunteering and helping people, the basics of digital literacy, teaching how to conduct safer Internet lessons and working with real cases to help those who have encountered dangers online.

“By popular demand from the active youth, the Safe Internet League has launched an internship program. Students and high school students are invited to participate. Those young people whose applications are selected and meet the criteria will be asked by the Safe Internet League to complete a test task and send the result,” Ekaterina Mizulina, Director of the Safe Internet League, member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, said.

On July 24, experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, together with representatives of Kaspersky Lab and EdgeCenter, held a seminar on Internet security as part of the League's summer practice. Project Manager of the Coordination Center Olga Baskakova made a presentation on "Domain Security: Theory and Practice". Sergey Golovanov, chief security expert at Kaspersky Lab, presented the current landscape of information security threats. Specialist of the Center Vadim Mikhailov spoke about homoglyphic attacks, and EdgeCenter specialist Maxim Yandulov made a presentation "Cyberwar: Introduction to the Digital Battle and the Power of DDoS attacks".

At the end of the seminar, Alexander Drozdov, Head of special projects of Center, held the game “Study the Internet & Govern It!”, In which there are several modules dedicated to Internet security.

According to the press service of the Safe Internet League, 300 students expressed their desire to take part in the summer practice in the first direction. 32 people passed the primary selection. According to the results of completing test tasks and an interview for practice, 15 participants got into the first round. Currently, the selection of the next participants for the second stream is underway.

The geography of participants turned out to be quite wide: the guys from Kaluga, Kazan, Ufa, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Petrozavodsk, Tambov, Sverdlovsk region, Voronezh, Bryansk were the first to come to Moscow.

During the internship, which will last 14 days, young people will take part in seminars, master classes, and practical exercises with leading experts from online news resources, gaming platform analysts, and digital security experts from leading IT companies. At the end of the internship, everyone will receive a personalized certificate.

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