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The Coordination Center Signed an Agreement with the State Initiatives Support Agency

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the State Initiatives Support Agency signed a Cooperation Agreement, which implies the implementation of joint projects, scientific research, as well as information and expert support for initiatives and events aimed at teachers, managers and other education workers, in the seminars, conferences, research and webinars formats.

Among the projects that are planned to be launched in the near future are: courses for teachers on developing skills in the field of digital literacy and cyber hygiene, a competition of methodological recommendations and lessons based on tools and online simulators of the Center project "Study the Internet & Govern It!", as well as a seminar on the possibilities and effective use of the Cyrillic domain .ДЕТИ for projects targeting children and teenagers.

It should be noted that the State Initiatives Support Agency is engaged in the implementation of large-scale educational and enlightenment initiatives as a federal innovation platform and using modern technologies. The accumulated experience of scientific and educational activities is complemented by established practices in the field of public control and assessment of the quality of educational activities. The central project of the Agency is the Единыйурок.рф portal for organizing advanced training and professional retraining of educators, as well as an online platform for holding events and implementing projects in the field of education.

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