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Summer School on Internet Governance Schedule Published

Registration for the 4th Summer School on Internet Governance is ongoing. Applications for studying are accepted until July 12. Students, graduate students, young teachers and researchers, as well as specialists of various profiles who are interested in the subject of Internet Governance, can become participants of the School.

Education is free, the lesson will be held online from July 19 to August 24 in several stages - a detailed schedule of seminars and lectures has already been published.

So, as part of the preparatory and qualifying stage, participants will listen to introductory lectures on the history and infrastructure of the Internet, about participants, processes, models and the concept of Internet Governance, and will also discuss with experts the global agenda in the field of information security and international legal regulation of ICT. These topics will be covered by representatives of both the academic community and the industry - St. Petersburg State University of Technology, Moscow State University, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ICANN, MSK-IX, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

At the main stage of the School, participants will work in groups on narrower topics included in the current agenda of Internet Governance. Among the topics are the risks and prospects of generative AI for society (Anna Sytnik, St. Petersburg State University), the dangers of techno-humanitarian imbalance in the information society (Marianna Alborova, MGIMO), freedom of speech and hate speech (Anna Sutyrina-Dupan, HSE), the Global Digital Contract (Ilona Stadnik, St. Petersburg State University).

Participants will earn a diploma of further education from St. Petersburg University if they successfully complete the program, which includes self-study and homework.

Detailed conditions for participation in the School, the agenda and project news are published on the website.

The Summer School on Internet Governance is organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ in cooperation with the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University and is part of the Schools on Internet Governance (SIG) global movement.

The main goal of the School is to immerse students in current issues of Internet Governance and digital cooperation at the global and regional level, as well as to develop skills for full participation in the activities of international organizations, thematic conferences and discussions on these topics.

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