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The Coordination Center Spoke about its News at the Interregional Conference of Bibliographers

An interregional webinar “Weblandia is 10 Years: Results and Prospects”, attended by more than 200 representatives of libraries from 42 regions of Russia, was held on June 28. The event was organized by the Russian State Children's Library.

The central part of the webinar was a demonstration of the possibilities of Weblandia, a catalog of the best resources for children and teenagers on a variety of topics. The authors of the project told the audience how to use the search, how to correctly form thematic queries and set up age restrictions on the project website; and specialists from children's libraries in the Kaluga Region and Kuzbass shared their own methodological developments on how to use the Weblandia catalog to conduct interactive events, competitions, and improve the professional level of bibliographers.
The webinar speakers also discussed whether websites are needed in the era of social networks, and what tools help keep children safe on the Internet and develop their digital literacy skills.

pecialists of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ were also invited to the event. Head of social projects Viktoria Bunchuk addressed the "Partners News" section. She spoke about the organization's projects aimed at students of schools, youth, researchers and specialists in various fields.

Two competitions were mentioned among those: "DOT-Journalism. Junkors" for beginning bloggers and journalists and "The Teacher Who Conquered the Internet" for teachers and mentors. There were also mentioned two summer schools: "Summer School on Internet Governance", which will result in a certificate of additional education, and "CTF School", which is for young programmers interested in Internet Security, as well as the traditional autumn online cyber literacy championship "Study the Internet & Govern It", this year the tasks of the championship are dedicated to technologies in education.

Victoria also invited listeners to participate in the Domain Patrol, a project of the Coordination Center that brought together major industry representatives in the field of cybersecurity. The project website contains digital security news, information about cyber threats, instructions on what to do if a user encounters one of these threats, for example, phishing, botnet, spam. One of the main sections of the project is the list of Hotlines of competent organizations: any user can contact the Hotline and report a case of inappropriate use of a domain name that he has discovered, measures will be taken promptly.

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