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"Modifications of Computer Programs: Legal Issues" Discussion session

A discussion session "Modifications of Computer Programs: Legal Issues", organized by the Legal Affairs Committee of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ in cooperation with IP CLUB, is going to be held on June 13 at 16:00. The discussion will be held online. The live stream will be available on the YouTube channel of the Coordination Center.

Not so long ago, the Ministry of Digital Transformation published a letter on the distinction between the terms "adaptation" and "modification" of a computer program for the purposes of applying the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, what exactly is meant by these terms in law enforcement practice? We will analyze the issue in a legal way and discuss the correctness of the approaches with experts in the technical field.

Members of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Coordination Center and invited experts will take part in the discussion. Two reports will be presented as part of the debate, and they will be the subject of additional discussion. The speakers will be Artem Nikiforov, legal adviser at Yandex and Nikita Airapetov, lawyer at Lidings, patent attorney. Learn more about the topics discussed here.

The discussion will be attended by:

  • Dmitry Marinichev, Internet Ombudsman;
  • Sergey Kopylov, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ;
  • Georgy Georgievsky, Head of Department for Work with Registrars and Users of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
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    The discussion will be moderated by Marina Rozhkova, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, President of IP CLUB, Doctor of Law.

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