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Pilot Educational Project For Boarding Schools Completed Successfully

On Children's Day, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ announced the completion of a pilot educational project organized by experts from the Center and teachers from the Coddy Programming School for senior students of boarding schools.

The work on the project began in January 2023, when the team of the Center went to the Tula Region to the students of the Barsukovskaya boarding school named after. A.M. Garanina. And already in April and May of this year, students of grades 7-8 of the Barsukov school completed a basic course on website development. In two months, the students mastered the basic knowledge of computer literacy, learned how to create websites and about the possibilities of using neural networks.

During the final meeting, they presented the created projects and told what areas they would like to study in the next academic year. In addition to developing websites, kids were interested in the development of games and applications. The participants noted the simplicity of the task set for them and the desire to continue working on a given topic.

“As soon as we moved from theory to practice, the process went much faster: the kids worked with interest with additional tools that help in creating and filling websites. The high involvement of children in the educational process proved that we had chosen the right vector of movement,” said Alexander Drozdov, Head of special projects of the Coordination Center.

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