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A New Issue Of The "Vneshkolnik" Magazine For Teachers And Mentors Has Been Published

With the support of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, the first issue of Vneshkolnik magazine in 2023 was published. This is an information and methodological publication for teachers, dedicated to additional and social education of children and youths.

The first part of the issue sums up the results of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Security and Children", the key topic of which was the principles of formation of the communication culture of the participants - teachers, students and parents - in the educational process.

A group of authors discusses the risks and prospects of media education in the section "A Lesson for Teacher-Practitioner". In their opinion, “... computer programs and the Internet are called upon to become a promising direction in teaching children and youths,” while an important task is to help them develop internal mechanisms to counter the inevitable negative effects of ICT tools. Such a mechanism, according to the authors, can be a combination of critical thinking and a high level of media culture.

“... It is necessary to understand that the time has come for new pedagogical technologies, that today's students need to be taught by completely different methods. They are different, they have different priorities, both technologically and in relation to the methods of obtaining the necessary knowledge. And media education, the authors of the article conclude, can become, if not a magic pill, this is impossible, but at least a bridge thrown over the abyss between school/institute and real life.”

The topic of education using new technologies is continued in the section "Innovation Management". Thus, the authors of the article “Problems and Prospects of Digital Learning” are confident that, despite the possible risks, the digital transformation of educational processes is a fairly promising direction.

“Technologies allows you to experiment more with pedagogy and get instant feedback. […] Help to ensure the active involvement of students in the learning process. […] Help automate or simplify a number of tedious tasks. […] They provide instant access to the necessary information and develop important skills in working with sources,” the authors of the material share their ideas.

IT tools that teachers can use both in their professional activities - in working with students, and to improve their own level of information literacy, are discussed in the Media Sphere section. In particular, in the article “A Few Simple Steps to Information Literacy” (p. 44), Victoria Bunchuk, Head of social projects at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, talks about the interactive project for students “Study the Internet & Govern It!”. With the help of virtual simulators, a mobile application with tests, a quiz, an IT dictionary and various online competitions, the project helps to learn how digital technologies work, learn how to use the Internet safely and effectively.

At the end of the issue, readers are invited to participate in the professional skills competition “The Teacher Who Conquered the Internet”. On October 15, the contestants need to prepare a presentation, an audio or video podcast about a personal Internet resource, within which the teacher interacts with students, parents and colleagues (for example, communication, educational activities, methodological support).

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