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The Russian Domain Zone Is One Of The Most Stable

On May 24, the traditional "Domain Section", organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, was held at RIF 2023. The main topic for discussion was the state of the domain industry under the sanctions. And looking ahead, it should be noted that all the speakers confirmed that import substitution is proceeding as usual, the industry has survived and continues to develop and grow, despite some difficulties.

Andrey Kuzmichev, General Director of RU-CENTER, spoke about how the largest Russian registrar managed to cope with the most difficult situation that has developed due to sanctions. He especially noted the work of foreign partners of the registrar, who showed the highest professionalism in these critical conditions and put the interests of users at the forefront.

Andrey Kuzmichev also spoke about the company's new services - the "Reservation" service, which allows the administrator to restore an already partitioned domain name within 30 days after its removal from the registry, and a new mechanism for changing the contractor for registering international domains - and touched upon the issues of the secondary market domain names in the current environment.

Evgeny Morozov, General Director of MSK-IX, and Alexei Rogdev, General Director of the Technical Center of Internet spoke about how the sanctions affected the DNS management system of national Russian domains and what steps have already been taken to ensure digital sovereignty.

Evgeny Morozov presented a new multifunctional Operation Support System (OSS) developed by the company, which monitors the DNS of national domains .RU, .РФ and .SU. OSS MSK-IX has a very broad functionality. For example, the inventory feature allows you to track the location and status of hardware and software. The security function allows you to monitor the actions of personnel and the user. In total, OSS controls 69 metrics of the service, servers and applications, allowing you to ensure uninterrupted operation and timely response to any incidents.

Aleksey Rogdev announced the creation of a distributed PKI system in Russia based on domestic solutions. He spoke about the current situation with the TLS ecosystem in Russia and domestic solutions in this area.

In his speech, he noted that in order to solve the problem of critical dependence on foreign solutions, it is necessary to create a distributed PKI system in Russia with several root certification centers to ensure its reliability and stability. The speaker also spoke about the measures being taken in this area, namely the National Certification Center of the Ministry of Digital Development and the TCI Certification Center.

Tamara Khramtsova, Head of the TCI Project Management Department, spoke about what updates have already been made or will be made in the near future in the domain name registration system. She noted the readiness of the registration system for changes in legislation related to the introduction of domain name registration using the ESIA, and announced new services for registrars.

Zaur Abasmirzoev, General Director of Web Server LLC, introduced the participants to the Russian web server – Angie - which is being developed by the company. He noted that in order to work correctly with Russian national RSA and GOST certificates, this web server used solutions that are relevant for hosters that share resources between thousands of sites.

Industry lawyers shared their observations and research results. Anton Sergo, President of the Internet and Law company, spoke about how sanctions from Western states affect the consideration of domain disputes in WIPO, if Russian citizens and organizations are involved in these disputes - we are talking about domains in foreign domain zones. He noted that for all the declared apathy of WIPO since the autumn of last year, there has been a clear tendency to discriminate against Russian domain name administrators, and Russian companies are increasingly losing domain names registered in other domain zones. "It's time to return to the Russian domain zone - today it is one of the most stable in the world and has government support," the speaker urged. Anton Sergo also emphasized that in this situation, the creation of a domestic center for resolving domain disputes could be an effective solution to the problem.

He was supported by the President of the IP Club, RGAIS Professor Marina Rozhkova, who spoke about the current features of domain disputes and that there are more and more questions on domain disputes. Therefore, registrars, hosters, and industry lawyers need to be more actively involved in the process of regulation and the development of new rules.

The section ended with a speech by Irina Daneliya, Deputy Director of the Center, who introduced the participants to the existing and developed services of the Coordination Center for users and registrars. Currently under development is a service for checking a domain for a match with a given designation, as well as a Registry Lock service that allows you to protect users from malicious intentional and unintentional actions with their domains.

Irina Danelia presented a new domain selection service, as well as a registrar's Personal Account, created to allow the registrar to provide users with the most complete information about himself.

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