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The Winners Of The 2023 Family IT Marathon Announced

The results of the 7th All-Russian Family IT Marathon were summed up on the International Day of the Families on May 15. The marathon was traditionally organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Academy of Innovative Education and Development with the support of Rostelecom; Smart Internet Foundation is the information partner (.ДЕТИ domain).

In 2023, 98 family teams from 15 regions of Russia took part in the IT marathon. The leaders in the number of teams are Moscow, St. Petersburg, North Ossetia and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Marathon was held in 2 stages: at the first, creative stage, the participants filmed a video about advanced teachers using digital technologies in their work, and also prepared posts about the IT marathon; on the second stage, they completed interactive tasks of an online tournament on the topic "Digital Literacy". The tournament was held at the site of the interactive educational project "Study the Internet & Govern It!"

So, the winners of the 7th All-Russian Family IT Marathon are:

"Absolute Winner" (leaders of the rating based on the results of two stages)

  • 1st place: “Schastliviye” team, Debesy (Udmurt Republic)
  • 2nd place: “Novomikhailovskye Pioneery” team, Novosibirsk
  • 3rd place: "Internet Semiya” team, Novomikhailovka (Novosibirsk region)

Special nomination "Best video"

  • 1st place: “Seleznevsfamily” team, Moscow, video
  • 2nd place: “Rudnitskiye” team, Kratovo village (Moscow region), video
  • 3rd place: “Schastliviye” team, Debesy (Udmurt Republic), video

Special nomination "Most original post": “Speedy UFO” Team, Vladikavkaz (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania), post

Special Prize “Online Tournament Leader”: “Internet Semiya” team, p. Novomikhailovka (Novosibirsk region)

The winners were announced at a special webinar held on the VK site "Safe Information Environment for Childhood". The participants of the online seminar were not only introduced to the winners, but were also shown the best videos shot by the teams at the creative stage of the Marathon.

An important part of the solemn event was a lecture by Andrey Sidenko, head of children's online security at Kaspersky Lab, and in the past - a teacher of computer science and the absolute winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia 2013”. He spoke about the results of the survey “Adults and Children on the Internet: Alternative Digital Realities”, which is conducted by the “Laboratory” to track annually in dynamics what young users are interested in on the Web, what digital habits they have, what threats they face and what measures adults take to ensuring their safety online. Andrey also gave some recommendations that will help Internet users of any age feel safe while surfing the net:

“In order to counter cyber threats, it is important for adults and children to combine technical and non-technical protection measures. The former includes special settings, parental control programs, security solutions. To non-technical - the constant improvement of digital literacy, including in matters of information security. To get started, pay attention to the privacy settings on social networks and on popular platforms, check passwords - they must be strong and unique, set up two-factor authorization in those services that allow it, install a reliable security solution. Remember the simple security rules: do not follow dubious links in mail, instant messengers and social networks, download applications only from official stores and periodically check which applications are installed on the device.

“The family IT marathon is a great opportunity to test the level of digital literacy, improve skills in working with modern technologies, and teach people of different generations to speak the same language. Rostelecom pays great attention to information security on the Web and increasing the digital literacy of the population. The company actively supports educational projects and considers it important to develop children and teenagers' skills to use the Internet safely. In schools and children's libraries, we regularly conduct cognitive lessons on cybersecurity, introduce computer science teachers to methods of countering Internet intruders. We have also prepared a special online course for parents, which tells how to protect a child from online risks. We believe that the more they write and talk about this topic, the higher the level of digital literacy will be for parents, children, teachers, and other interested parties,” Yuliana Sokolenko, Director of Rostelecom’s Department of External Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, said.

“This year, the IT marathon was dedicated to a landmark topic for the country - the Year of the Teacher and Mentor, and became one of the events that tell about teachers who were at the origins of informatization and the domestic IT industry,” Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said. - Of course, the winners of the IT Marathon are already familiar with the project "Study the Internet & Govern It!", because Marathon was held on its platform. But "Study the Internet & Govern It!" is not only online tournaments and championships, first of all, it is an educational ecosystem - game modules, quizzes, tests. Therefore, we invite you to the project website to learn more about its educational part.”

Prizes to the winners (diplomas and gadgets useful for diversifying development) will be sent by mail. All participants of the 2nd stage of the IT-marathon (online tournament) can download an electronic certificate in their personal account on the website of the project "Study the Internet & Govern It!".

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