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"To Make Smart World By Children’s Hands": Summer Conference For Students

The VI All-Russian Conference "To Make Smart World By The Children’s Hands" is going to be held online on June 28-29. During the time the conference has become an important stage in the formation and formation of the scientific community in Russia.

Students are invited to participate in the Conference to present their projects related to programming, robotics, physics, software engineering, 3D modeling, web design, VR, AR technologies, engineering or IT disciplines.

Participants will also receive expert assessments and recommendations from highly specialized specialists in finalizing projects at the federal level. Representatives of education and the scientific community, leaders of the IT industry and technology companies such as: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Yandex, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", TechnoSpark, ANO "Digital Volunteers" are invited as experts.

In addition, master classes from partners, a discussion on "Career Guidance in IT", the work of scientific sections, and the exchange of experience are planned within the framework of the conference. Participants will be able to publish the results of their scientific activities in a collection of abstracts. Everyone will be given an electronic certificate, and those who made a presentation of the project will receive diplomas.
Participation in the conference and publication of materials in the collection are free. Registration is already open.

The organizers of the "To Make Smart World By Children’s Hands" are traditionally the Baitik Foundation for New Technologies in Education and the Administration of the Troitsk City District in Moscow with the support of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow, the TechnoSpark Nanotechnology Center and the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The information partners of the event are the "Study the Internet & Govern It!" project and the Smart Internet Foundation (.ДЕТИ).

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