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Happy Birthday to .РФ!

Today the Russian national domain .РФ is 13 years old. The .РФ domain was delegated to Russia on May 12, 2010 and became the first Cyrillic domain. During the first day of open registration, there were more than 240,000 Cyrillic domains were registered in .РФ, and almost 700,000 in the first month. To date, it has over 691,000 registered names, and it remains the largest Cyrillic domain in the world!

Almost 115,000 domain names in the .РФ domain are older than 10 years. In total, almost 180,000 new domain names were registered in the Russian Federation in 2023 – on average, users registered 490 domain names per day.

The .РФ domain along with .RU has become the first choice domain for Russians, which means that 91.5% of domains are registered by Russian users.

133 accredited registrars and more than 316,000 administrators work with domains in the .РФ zone.

82.6% of all domain names in .РФ are associated with some kind of service. Of these, 28.3% are used to host a website, 27.6% for a single page site or web application, 15.9% for email services only, and 10% for redirects from other domain zones.

The .РФ domain remains the most secure for users. For example, the share of phishing domains in the .РФ zone in Q1 2023 was 0.004% of the total number of registered domains, which corresponds to the level of Q1 2022 and, therefore, does not show an upward trend. For comparison: the share of phishing domains in the .RU zone in Q1 2023 was 0.18% of the total number of registered domains. And according to requests received by registrars from competent organizations in 2022, only 165 domains were blocked in the .РФ domain, which is about 0.024% of their total number.

In order to ensure that support for Cyrillic domain names and email addresses does not cause difficulties for software developers and system administrators, the .RU/.РФ Coordination Center launched the Поддерживаю.РФ project in 2020. The project website contains a Russian-language knowledge base on working with internationalized domain names (IDN) and postal addresses (EAI), including standards and best practices for their processing in software, as well as a constantly updated catalog of software products indicating their current status of IDN support and EAI, training materials and useful tools. For 3 years of work, the project has gained popularity and has become a real flagship for the implementation of universal acceptance of IDN and EAI not only in Russia, but also in the world.

“.РФ is the pride of our country! It brings together Russian-speaking people in the world, supports multilingual and multicultural diversity on the Internet. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ does a lot to ensure that the .РФ domain grows and develops, so that more people use it for commercial and personal projects, so that it becomes available to as many users as possible. Thanks to everyone who participated in the birth of the .РФ! Thanks to our registrars who actively promote the .РФ domain in Runet! Thanks to all our users for believing in the .РФ domain and using it in their projects! Happy birthday, .РФ!” - Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, congratulated everyone.

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