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Making the Internet Safe Together

On April 25, 2023, the Committee on Information Security in the Sphere of Spiritual and Moral Values, Culture and Economy of the Business Center for Economic Development of the CIS held a round table on the topic "The System of Spiritual and Moral Values and Information Security in The Field of Education in The CIS Member States". The round table was attended by the company management of the Business Center for Economic Development of the CIS, representatives of the Federation Council, the State Duma, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the Institute of Law and National Security, the Institute of Cyber Security and Digital Technologies, as well as public organizations and business structures. 

In the context of a rapidly changing picture of the world, geopolitical processes, the search for relevant models of modern education based on the traditional paradigm and taking into account the modern realities of the digital society, the issues of upbringing and education of the individual require careful analytical research and improvement, if not more global reform.

The education system in the Russian Federation is now going through both legislative and ideological periods of reform, which leads to the whole range of internal and external factors in the development of our society, state and relationships with other public and state formats. There are also a number of serious issues on the outer contour of the educational systems of the CIS countries that are friendly to us, with which close interaction and large-scale migration flows have traditionally taken place. Fundamentally important aspects of the spiritual and moral content of the educational part of education, the composition of educational programs, the study and status of the Russian language and harmonious cross-cultural cooperation, digital storage systems, information transfer, distance learning.

During the round table discussion took place in the following areas:

  • Spiritual and moral aspects of education. Enlightenment, upbringing and education.
  • Digital ecosystem of national education. Information security of preschool and school education.
  • An integrated approach to control over data and access rights to them. Domestic systems for testing and monitoring information systems.
  • Ensuring the safety of students.
  • Experience and interaction of education systems of the CIS countries at the interstate and public level.

During the meeting, the Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ presented educational projects of the ccTLDs registry aimed at improving media literacy and information security of children and the youth. Participants of the round table noted the importance of industry initiatives aimed at teaching the younger generation to recognize Internet threats, in particular, cyber fraud, bullying and other destructive influences.

A joint resolution on project initiatives for the Ministries of Education, Science, and Culture of the Russian Federation, Rossotrudnichestvo, Interstate Specialized Structures of the Commonwealth States, including Inter-parliamentary Structures of the CIS Countries for Specialized Committees and Commissions, and Leading Research Organizations is being prepared based on the results of the round table.

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