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April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day

Today, April 26, is World Intellectual Property Day. A meeting of the discussion club "Digital Reality", dedicated to innovations and the protection of intellectual rights to them, was held on the eve of the holiday.

The guests of the meeting were:

  • Maya Evdokimova, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Head of the Center for Interaction with Authorities of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property;
  • Maria Olkhovskaya, PhD in Economics, Head of Patent and Inventive Work at SPLAT Global;
  • Maria Doroshenko, CEO of LegalPics, creator of the "IP SENSE" project and the IPCamp educational track as part of the Skolkovo Startup Tour, winner of the Runet Award 2021.

As participants noted, each person or company can protect their designs, brands and works of art through intellectual property rights. But does it have to be created within one company or one person? How to strike a balance between the protection of the results of intellectual activity and mutually beneficial cooperation? Has open innovation driven technology and creativity? And how does all this relate to our online lives?

“If we are talking about the development of innovations, then this question can be answered from different points of view. For example, from a business point of view, more business is needed. In other words, entrepreneurship should be far more widespread, especially in the small and medium-sized business sectors. This is required so that the business may formulate a request for which researchers or creative teams would come up with a solution. At the same time, it can be quite difficult for scientists to rebuild when they already have some kind of solution that can be released to the market. Inventors are often afraid that the result of their intellectual activity can be used without considering the interests of the author himself,” Maria Olkhovskaya said in the conclusion of the discussion.

Answering the question about what slows down (and slows down) the development of the innovation market, Maria Doroshenko noted the insufficient popularization of inventions: “Everyone knows Elon Musk, but let's try to name at least five leading modern Russian inventors offhand. Often the problem lies in the underdevelopment of a culture of support. For some reason, the haters are always much more active than the people who provide support - and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The video of the discussion can be viewed here.

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