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"Study the Internet" On Air "VKontakte"

On April 19, the VK community of the Safe Information Environment for Childhood project, implemented by the Academy of Innovative Education and Development, hosted a video lecture from the "Tools for Creating a Safe Information Environment at School and at Home" series. The project of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ "Study the Internet & Govern It!" was presented in detail during the lecture.

Olga Yakovleva, Head of the project department of the Coordination Center, noted that the main goal of "Study the Internet & Govern It!" is to provide theoretical and practical tools that will help in a playful way to gain knowledge about the structure of digital technologies, their safe and effective use, thus reducing risks interaction with an aggressive digital environment.

Olga spoke about each section of the project - an online game, a quiz, an application, digital literacy tournaments, a glossary of IT terms, a module for optically challenged, and also disclosed a little secret about the theme of the new virtual all-Russian "Study the Internet & Govern It!" championship. The championship will be held traditionally in the fall, and its participants - students - will have to complete interactive tasks related to technologies in education. We will tell you more about the championship closer to the start of registration in August.

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