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Runet Needs Its Heroes

On April 11, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation hosted a round table “Development of Public Administration, Digital State and the Legacy of Academician V.M. Glushkov”, organized by the Commission of the Russian Chamber of Commerce on the development of the information community, the media and mass communications, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov.

The round table was moderated by Sergei Grebennikov, Director of the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC), Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Andrey Vorobyev, Head of the Department of Informatics, Director of the Competence Center for Cognitive Sciences of the Russian Economic University Olga Kitova.

The participants discussed how the creative heritage of Viktor Glushkov resonates with current processes and what is the contribution of the scientist to the development of domestic IT.

Opening the meeting, Andrey Vorobyev emphasized the importance of V.M. Glushkov for modern Russia. “Those studies and works to which the great scientist Viktor Glushkov dedicated his life are now part of the concept of the country's further economic development, and they should be familiar to our citizens, primarily young people. Therefore, within the framework of the educational project “Study the Internet & Govern It!”, which is being run by the Coordination Center and Rostelecom, a new educational module is now being developed dedicated to the Soviet heritage in the field of informatics and informatization, in particular, the activities of Viktor Glushkov,” Andrey Vorobyev added. He also spoke about the competition for teachers "The Teacher Who Conquered the Internet" named after V.M. Glushkov, which takes place in the year of the 100th anniversary of the great scientist.

Rifat Sabitov, Deputy General Director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Chairman of the Commission for the Development of the Information Community, Mass Media and Mass Communications of the Russian Public Chamber, also highly appreciated the contribution of Viktor Glushkov to the development of the digital society. “They are right about Glushkov - a pioneer of computer science and cybernetics and an ideologist of the digital state. Such people are really born once in a hundred years. And today we are celebrating the centenary of Viktor Mikhailovich. He lived a short but very bright life, he was a patriot of our Fatherland, our Motherland, the great Soviet Union. An idea was born: maybe even make a documentary film dedicated to Viktor Mikhailovich. Still, people should know their heroes and be proud of them,” Rifat Sabitov added.

Sergey Grebennikov, Director of the RAEC, agreed with this assessment: “It is very important for Runet that we have heroes who decades ago did things that even today cannot be reached. Many thanks to those people who, in the year of the anniversary of Viktor Glushkov, talk about these achievements”.

Olga Kitova (Glushkova) spoke about the life path of Viktor Mikhailovich, about his main works and how the ideas of the scientist find their application in practice today. “Our round table today is dedicated not only to the legacy of Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov, but also to such topical issues today as the development of a digital state. As you know, the ideologist of building a “digital state” was Viktor Mikhailovich, who created the world’s first integral project of a digital state and digital economy - OGAS (National Automated System for Accounting and Processing Information),” Olga Kitova said. The scientist has been developing the ideas of the information society for many years. His last monograph, Fundamentals of Paperless Information, was published in 1982. The book describes a complex of ideas and mathematical apparatus related to the problems of informatization of all aspects of life and the transition to an information society.

“In Russia, a lot of attention is paid to the digitalization of public administration,” Olga Kotova noted. She spoke about the work of the permanent working group to improve the methodology of state planning and the new project "Digital Gosplan", which is being developed within the framework of this group. “The modern socio-economic environment is not just ready for the implementation of the OGAS ideas, but is in vital need of it,” concluded Olga Kitova.

You can watch the full video of the round table on the website of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

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