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.RU Marks 29 Years

On April 7, Russian ccTLD .RU is celebrating its birthday - 29 years. This date is officially considered Runet Birthday.

Currently, there are 4,939,224 domain names registered in .RU and more than 4,300 new domains appear every day. In February 2023, .RU managed to become one of the top 3 fastest growing domains, and now .RU is in 9th place among all TLDs by the number of registered domain names.

About 70% of domain names in .RU are renewed every year and this figure has been stable for many years. 84.5% of domain names in .RU are related in one way or another to the provision of services: from locating websites to redirecting to other resources.

Cybersecurity is one of the main problems facing the Internet, not only in Russia, but all over the world. First of all, it concerns the fight against phishing. This problem is being solved quite successfully in the .RU domain. Competent organizations have sent more than 9,000 requests to terminate the delegation of illegal domains in the .RU zone through the Domain Patrol project's information system since the start of 2023, and for more than 98% of the requests, the registrars have selected to prevent delegation. When considering the increased number of requests (the number increased by almost three times compared with the same period in 2022), the average response time from the date of application to terminate delegation was 25.5 hours at the end of last year. This year, the response time has increased slightly but still ranks among the fastest in the globe.

".RU domain continues to be in demand among Russian users, and we are constantly working to make the Russian domain space convenient and safe for them. We would like to congratulate everyone on the birthday of .RU and thank our partners: registrars, government representatives and the entire Russian Internet community for working together for the development and prosperity of Runet!" - said Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

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